

The castells season has finished.

When the cold comes, the castells season ends, and as a consequence some activities are done. The major activity is the Sopar de Gala. During the season we always see each other wearing an old shirt in the trainings and the official shirt on the exhibitions but never wearing "normal clothes". At this dinner we go dressed like in a wedding, with (like the name says) vestit de gala.

In this dinner it's invited everybody who did castells during the season with sagals, and if you want you can prepare things to do, for example, children prepared a magician exhibition, others prepared a gig that played at the end of the dinner, and others prepared a dance called Les cotonines that you can see in the following video. (Look the clothes of the people too!)

Another event is the Sopar d' homes this year done one week before the sopar de gala. All the males in the group are invited to a dinner, this year done in les pockets in Vic. And a week after sopar de gala (two weeks after male's dinner) the womans did his dinner in les pockets too.


How to change your blog theme to a better one

The blogger service let you choose and personalize your blog template, but maybe this isn't enought for you and you want a better theme.
There are a lot of websites that offer many options to choose. I'll show you my favourite, it's This page it's plenty of different themes that you can use on your blog.

The first thing you have to do is choose the your favourite template, once you have your preferred you must download it to your computer.
Once you have the files on your computer you have to upload them on your blog, I'll show you how to do it. (If the file is compressed you have to decompress it.)

When you have all those things done you can upload it, go to "design" (diseño if it is in spanish) and then "html edit" (edición de html).

You will see a page like this. In the top you see somewhere that says "select files" (seleccionar archivo), click here and then you have to choose the file that you have download. When it is decompressed you hace to search for a file with .xml extension, that one is which you have to select. Upload it and accept. You will have the new theme ready!

(Maybe when you try to upload the theme it says that some widgets will be removed, don't worry, if you want you can put them again later.)

If you have any questions you only have to ask!